Ristorazione veloce ad alta quota: Lo Yeti di Cervinia

Fast food at high altitude: The Yeti of Cervinia

Fast food is a challenge for every venue, but seasonality binds some pubs more. The Yeti has broken free with the Combi Wave Smart.
October 22, 2021
Come sbarazzarti di friggitrice e piastra con Combi Wave

How to get rid of fryer and plate with Combi Wave

In every town there is a historic restaurant, which we become attached to as if it were a trusted friend. In Como, that historic place is Arnold's Pub, a brewery...
September 17, 2021
Contest FIPGC 2021: ecco chi ha vinto il 1° posto e 3 Squeezita

FIPGC 2021 contest: here's who won 1st place and 3 Squeezita

Pasticceria D'Elia wins a rich Squeezita supply and 1st place in the competition of the International Pastry Federation.
July 09, 2021
3 profili Instagram a cui ispirarsi per una #ColazioneSqueezita

3 Instagram profiles to inspire for a #Squeezita Breakfast

Squeezita cream is becoming more and more popular on social networks! Its greedy appearance conquers at first glance, emphasize it with these tips.
May 06, 2021
Tags: bar squeezita
Con 10 attrezzature Techfood, Sapori d’Italia è cliente dell’anno

With 10 Techfood equipment, Sapori d'Italia is customer of the year

What Techfood equipment is needed to open a bar and cover all times of the day? Here is a true success story.
Un angolo di Francia in Sardegna: la storia di Claudia e delle sue crêpes

A corner of France in Sardinia: the story of Claudia and her crêpes

Women entrepreneurs in catering are not only famous star chefs. Here is the story of Claudia and her dream of opening her own restaurant.
Vendita mono-variante: cosa proporre in una yogurteria

Mono-variant sale: what to offer in a yogurt shop

Discover the story of Maria Teresa Grillo and her Happy Yo. It has been phenomenally successful for a year now thanks to its yoghurt equipment.
February 19, 2021
Con Squeezita la vetrina diventa gourmet

With Squeezita, the showcase becomes gourmet

With Squeezita, Gian's 2.0 bar has become famous for its delicious breakfasts. A bet born in October 2020 to be taken as an example.
January 28, 2021
Aprire nel 2020: Ramona è la Burger Queen dell’anno

Open in 2020: Ramona is Burger Queen of the Year

At the table, to take away and then at home, the service has changed in 2020. But Ramona Granatella's fast food was not afraid of the dpcm.
Da ortofrutta a creperia: rinnovare valorizzando un'offerta consolidata

From fruit and vegetables to creperie: renewing by enhancing a consolidated offer

In Crevalcore (BO) a mobile cart for crêpes has revolutionized the business of a fruit and vegetable shop. Discover the success story.
November 19, 2020
Decreto ristori: cosa prevede e come ricevere gli aiuti?

Refreshments decree: what does it provide and how to receive aid?

The refreshment decree approved. What will be the economic interventions for those who have been forced to close after the last Dpcm?
October 29, 2020
Italian Cupcakes, il dolce spirito imprenditoriale di Flavia

Italian Cupcakes, Flavia's sweet entrepreneurial spirit

“Choose the job you love and you won't work a single day in your life” they say, and the story of Flavia De Angelis and her local Italian Cupcakes is...
July 24, 2020